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Карта Ланкра.
Спасибо Птичке.

Key to the Places on the Map

1. High Tops
2. Copperhead
3. Broken Mountain
4. Mad Wolf
5. Inkcap
6. Hangfog
7. Slice
8. Crack Peak
9. To Uberwald
10. Blackglass
11. The Place Where the sun Does Not Shine
12. Powder Knife
13. Entrance to Lancre Caves
14. Bear Mountain
15. Drumlins Fell
16. Razorback
17. Skund
18. A Rock and a Hard Place
19. Slippery Hollow
20. Standing Stone
21. The Long Man
22. Creel Springs
23. Lancre Castle
24. Moorlands
25. Bad Ass
26. Granny Weatherwax's Cottage
27. The Dancers
28. Blasted Oak
29. Lancre Town
30. Lancre River
31. Cabb's Well
32. Lancre Gorge
33. Magrat's Cottage
34. Mad Stoat
35. Lancre River
36. Lancre Bridge
37. Lancre River
38. Floove River

Lancre Town 1. Nanny Ogg's Cottage
2. The Old Forge
3. The Goat & Bush
4. Jason Ogg's Cottage
5. Shawn Ogg's Cottage

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